Media Releases

Council Update 2024-08 - September 9th Regular Meeting

Highlights from the September 9th Regular Council Meeting

  • A Public Meeting was held for Zoning By-law file ZBA-04-2024. The By-law to amend Zoning By-law 23-08 was approved.
  • Council approved the rehabilitation of the Merrickville playground in partnership with the Merrickville Lions Club.
  • The recommendation to implement a new financial budgeting software was approved.
  • A delegation was received from Cathy Fraser & Cheryl Anderson regarding the McLean’s Landing Development.
  • The second draft of the Procedure By-law was received. It will be brought back to the October Committee of the Whole meeting.
  • Council received for information the Notice of Decision & Draft Conditions for Merrickville Estates Phase II.
  • An Assessment Update was provided for the Merrickville Sewage Treatment Plant capacity.
  • An RFP contract was awarded to Neptune Technology Group for the management of the water meter replacement program.
  • A summary report of by-law updates was received.
  • The draft Personnel Policy and Employee Guide was received and approved to be sent for legal review with intention to adopt effective January 2025.
  • Accountability and Transparency Policy draft documents were received for information. Staff will continue to revise and update documents to bring back to Council for approval.
  • Direction was approved to bring by-laws to the October Regular Meeting to authorize the Clerk to perform civil marriage ceremonies and issue marriage licences.
  • Council received for information Integrity Commissioner Final Reports 30075-28 and 30075-38. They will be posted publicly on the website.
  • Council approved support to be sent to the United Counties for Christmas in Merrickville in December 2024.
  • By-law 55-2024 to Regulate Public Events received First & Second Reading. It will be brought back for Third & Final Reading at a future Regular Council Meeting.
  • Fortification By-law 37-2024 was referred to the October Committee of the Whole Meeting with the recommendation to invite the OPP to come speak to its purpose & benefits.

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P.O. Box 340
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317 Brock Street West,
P.O. Box 340
Merrickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:3oam to 4:30pm
Closed daily from 12:00pm to 1:00pm