TAKE NOTICE: The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Merrickville-Wolford, at their meeting of June 10, 2024 passed By-law 36-2024, being a by-law to declare the following property surplus to municipal needs:
The property legally described as Part of Drummond Street Registered Plan 6, Village of Merrickville, Part 1, Reference Plan 15R-12432, Part of PIN 68108-0302, having dimensions 12.19m wide x 114.89 m long, with an additional 39.56 m along abutting lands to the east, as shown below.

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE: The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Merrickville-Wolford intends to stop up, close and authorize the disposition of the aforementioned property to the abutting landowner (Moderna Homes). This notice is given in accordance with By-law 08-10, being a by-law to establish a municipal policy with regard to the sale of municipal lands as required by Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information regarding the intention to sell the aforementioned property, please contact:
Julia McCaugherty-Jansman
Tel: 613-269-4791 ext. 257