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Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:43

Council Meeting Minutes - July 23, 2018

Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:40

Special Council Meeting Minutes - July 16, 2018

Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:37

Special Council Meeting Minutes - July 10, 2018

Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:34

Special Council Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2018


Convert Marginal Land or Abandoned Farm Fields into Thriving Forests -- For a Couple Dimes A Tree

OTTAWA WEST and RIDEAU WATERSHED, August 9, 2018 — If you have marginal land or abandoned farm fields, now is the time to take advantage of significant subsidies to covert the land to forests.

“Many landowners are choosing to make their land more productive and enjoyable by planting trees,” says Scott Danford, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) Forestry Program Manager. “There are significant subsidies available to help landowners plan, prepare and plant their forests. Planting two acres will cost landowners less than $300.”

Typical costs for the RVCA’s full-service tree-planting program are $0.15/tree ($120/acre). The RVCA and its planting partners covers all additional costs. Landowners interested in having one acre or more (0.4 hectares) planted in trees should meet with RVCA staff to start planning now.

“We have been planting trees since 1983 and have planted more than 6 million trees,” says Danford. “We are committed to helping landowners meet their reforestation needs, while increasing tree cover throughout the Rideau watershed.”

Woodlands can be established in old fields by promoting natural succession, but few landowners have the time or patience for this option. The quicker option is to plant trees through the Conservation Authority’s program. The RVCA’s tree planting program can help move things on a little faster. Professional staff will meet with landowners to discuss their interests and needs. RVCA staff will also inspect the site’s conditions to help create a unique, individualized planting plan. The types of trees being planted will reflect the needs of the landowner and the site conditions — the goal being to plant the right tree in the right place to get the best chance of survival and growth.

Now is the time to book your free site visit by contacting Scott Danford, RVCA Forestry Program Manager at 613-692-3571 or 1-800-387-5304, ext. 1175. 

— end —

For more information, contact:

Scott Danford, RVCA Forestry Program Manager

6103-692-3571 or 1-800-267-3504, ext.1175

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 25 August 2018 12:16

Council Meeting Agenda - August 27, 2018

Tuesday, 21 August 2018 13:44

Minutes - Council Meeting June 25, 2018

Page 117 of 124

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Special Council Meeting
Mon Jul 08 @ 6:00PM
Regular Council Meeting
Mon Jul 08 @ 7:00PM

Council and Committee meetings are now being held in person at this time.

To view the Council Meetings, visit Council’s YouTube Channel at